lunes, 9 de abril de 2012


4 Razones para ver esta movie:

Primero: el trailer (as usual cilc to watch). SHAME

Segundo: Michael Fassbender El protagonista. carismatico actor, nacido en Alemania 1977. Aparece, entre otras, en Inglourious Basterds (2009) de Tarantino como el Teniente Archie Hicox. y en 300 (2006)de Zack Znyder como Stelios.

Tercero: Carey Mulligan La hermana. Actris inglesa 1985. Conocida por An Education (2009).

Por Ultimo: Steve McQueen El Director. Nacido en London UK 1969. conocido por Hunger (2008).

martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Tim Burton Fimlmografia Selecta

Tim Burton, director, productor, escritor y artista, nacido en EUA 1958.
Es la mente creativa detras de inumerables peliculas. Aqui una lista de los titulos qe considero impresinbles, una seleccion personal, que solo incluye las mas importantes de su carrera como Director.(as usual clic the title to see the trailer).

Beetlejuice 1988 con Michael Keaton y Winona Ryader. Dark Comedy.

Edward Scissorhands 1990 con Johnny Depp y Winona Rayder. iconic.

Ed Wood 1994 The almost True story about the legendary director and his strange group of friends and actors.

Sleepy Hollow 1999 cn Johnny Depp y Christina Ricci. su version del Jinete sin cabeza.

Corpse Bride 2005 Stop-motion animation.

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 2007 Based on a Broadway Musical.

Alice in Wonderland 2010 Master pice..!!!

Para ver la Filmografia completa visita Tim Burton on IMDb

Tim Burton Upcoming Films

Dark Shadows May 11, 2012.
(clic title to see trailer)

A movie directed by Tim Burton, starring Johnny Depp. A gothic-horror tale centering on the life of vampire Barnabas Collins and his run-ins with various monsters, witches, werewolves and ghosts. Based on the cult TV series, Dark Shadows Movie will hit theaters May 11th, 2012.

Frankenweenie October 5, 2012.
(clic title to see trailer)

Frankenweenie is an upcoming 3D black-and-white stop motion-animated film, directed by Tim Burton, and it is a remake of the Burton's 1984 short film of the same name. The film is scheduled for release on October 5, 2012, and it will be the first stop-motion film to be released in IMAX 3D.